COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATES (CDI) is a Non-Government, and Not-for-profit organization established in 2015 and registered under Section 20 of Societies Act 1860. CDI aimed at striving for basic Child & Women’s Rights through Advocacy, Poverty Alleviation, Skill Development for women, Nutrition, Education, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Livelihood, and Entrepreneurship. CDI believes that rural communities have the potential and willingness to work for themselves. They just need to harness their potential through Social Mobilization, capacity building, and developing productive linkages with line Government Line departments, District Administration, and other national and international agencies.

CDI’s emphasis will be on strong coordination with stakeholders, including state and donor agencies, capacity building, and exploration of natural resources for utilization at its economies of scale. This might be ranging from Human as well as Natural Resources that might bring about positive changes in the development of Education, Health, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Peace, Social harmony, Environment, Infrastructure, etc.

CDI’s Vision
A prosperous rural society with built-in mechanisms of sustainable human development through realizing its own potential.

CDI’s Mission
To strengthen the accessibility of underprivileged people towards fundamental rights, i.e., quality education based on gender justice, health, entrepreneurship, Livelihood, and other facilities provided by public and private institutions.

Aims & Objectives:
• The main objective of CDI is to foster a provincial network of rural communities to plan, implement and manage developmental activities and programs.
• Empowered to rural communities through social mobilization and promoting sustainable Livelihood at the grassroots level.
• Support in such a way that it specializes, which provides social guidance to the communities.
• The guiding tenets of CDI philosophy are to organize rural communities, develop their support for human development endeavors and link the communities with the government service delivery departments, donors, NGOs, and the private sector.
• Promoting quality education, especially to the rural communities living in the province.
• To provide social guidance to rural communities on the importance of malnutrition issues.
• To identify and support whatever activities communities intend to do on their own according to their prioritized needs.
• Poverty reduction through community empowerment, skills enhancement, and capacity building.